Our Sponsors & Partners
While Majestic View Nature Center is the City of Arvada’s environmental educational facility, our programming and Nature Center wouldn’t be possible without our other sponsors. From grants to one-time donations, these gift to environmental learning continues to help us reach our mission:
Our mission is to inspire environmental learning and interpretive connections with our community.
The City of Arvada Vibrant Communities and Neighborhoods work system includes not only the Nature Center, but parks, golf courses, events, neighborhood block parties and more.
The majority of the Nature Center is funded by the City of Arvada as approved through the City Council budgeting process. To see information on other City of Arvada services, visit www.arvadaco.gov
The SCFD is a seven-county tax district created within Colorado law, approved by Colorado’s General Assembly and renewed by voters multiple times over more than 30 years.
SCFD funds school field trips and programs that allow Majestic View Nature Center to reach over 12,000 school children each year. To learn more about SCFD, www.scfd.org

Denver Broncos (Sale of)
The sale of the team to the Walton-Penner group provided the City with funds towards “youth activities”. With Council approval, the funds allocated to the Nature Center will go towards projects outlined in the masterplan and strategic recommendations, including a new classroom and accessibility/safety updates. Funds are expected to be used by 2025.
Majestic View Park was purchased in thanks to JCOS.
Funded with a one-half of one percent sales tax, Jeffco Open Space contributes to city and park district projects, has preserved more than 56,000 acres, and manages 27 open space parks and more than 244 miles of trails in Jefferson County, Colorado. To learn more about Jefferson County Open Space, visit www.jeffco.us/open-space
PCL has commitments to safety, quality, sustainability and community stewardship ensure the lasting success of this projects. PCL donated their services and materials to provide a safe workspace for staff and volunteers as well as secure program storage by leveling and pouring a floor for the main garage and building bin shelving. This eliminated the ability for rodents, and predators, to get into the storage and workshop to chew or eliminate on assets.
Perkins & Will (P&W) knows design has the power to inspire joy, uplift lives, and strengthen the spirit of community. So with the help of their design services, P&W helped create an amazing conceptual design for the new classroom.

Colorado Garden Foundation
Colorado Garden Foundation provides grants and scholarships throughout Colorado to further the horticulture industry. Funds are raised with the Colorado Garden and Home show and the Fall Home Show. To learn more about Colorado Garden Foundation, visit www.coloradogardenfoundation.org

Arvada Sunrise Rotary
Arvada Sunrise Rotary has sponsored new interpretive exhibits and park amenities, including our 2022 Bullsnake ambassador exhibit. The Arvada Sunrise Rotary focuses on service above self, visit arvadasunriserotary.org to learn more.
Aside from volunteer time donated, the Nature Center is eligible to receive charitable donations. If you are able and willing, you can give monetary donations for programs or program supplies. Your support ensures that we will continue to be able to work towards our mission and is greatly appreciated!

Supporting conservation and stewardship of public lands and connecting people to the great outdoors in Jefferson County with amenities, programs and events and information. JCOSF helps sponsor costs for low-income/Title 1 schools to attend field trips and connect kids with the outdoors. Visit jeffcoopenspacefoundation.org to learn more.
Interested in Sponsoring the Nature Center?
If you or your group would like to sponsor the Nature Center, please contact us or send us an email at majesticviewnc@arvada.org. We appreciate all sponsors who help us inspire environmental learning and interpretive connections with our community. Curious about what you could help us achieve? Take a look at our original park master plan and our 2022 Strategic Recommendations for future plans and ideas.
Our Partners
Ducks Unlimited
Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Standley Lake Nature Center
Monarch Larva Monitoring Project/Monarch joint Venture
National Wildlife Federation
Arvada Park Advisory Committee & Sustainability Committee
Standley Lake Stargazing
Colorado Aquarium Society
Two Ponds National Wildlife Refuge
Audubon Rockies
Colorado Avian Raptor and Rehabilitation Institute (CARRI)
Frontline Farming
Arvada Festivals Commission
Have a corporate group or scout project? Contact us for a project and let us know how we can grow our partnership.